Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reading response #1

Rot & Ruin

Today I read a few pages of Rot & Ruin; I didn't get too far today as I wanted to but I do feel like I got a good grasp of whats going on as I read along more and more. My stopping point was when Nix and Benny were having a conversation after their brutal training with Tom. Nix pretty much explained what she had been thinking for some time; about how she thought the fence seperating the people of Mountainview didn't exactly feel like protection but more like a cage. She pointed out how there was much to explore outside of the fence that they probably haven't even thought would still be existing considering what happened during First Night. She feels that she'd be willing to have a war to fight for freedom rather than being locked away for any longer. She recited a saying Chong loved so much and tried to use it to inspire her friends; "They won the war, but lost the peace." While Nix is expressing her opinions, Benny is having an internal conflict which he wants to tell Nix how he feels about her but can't seem to find the right words to say. He stubbles on words and when he wants to say something no word seem to slip out. Benny wants to overcome this setback of expressing how he feels but it never seems to go his way. As I read further along, hopefully Benny will link together what he wants to say and let it flow out of him as if in that moment he was inspired by something great.

10 Interesting Facts

10 Interesting Facts

1. Leornardo da Vinci was dyslexic and often wrote words backwards.

2. Howard Hughes stored in our urine in large bottles.

3. The most pushups done in one day is 46, 001.

4. The farthest record for projectile vomiting is 27 feet.

5. 28.1% of people pee in the pool.

6. 80% of millionaires drive used cars.

7. Car airbags kill 1 person for every 22 peoples lives they've saved.

8. In Albania, nodding your head means "no" and shaking your head means "yes".

9. Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows.

10. Tug of war was an Olympic sport between 1900 and 1920.

Howard Hughes was a very busy and talented man. He persued many careers such as an aviator, a businessman and a movie producer. But many people did not know of his secret life; he kept his urine with him inside of large bottles. I guess not all billionaires are wasteful.


It may be hard to believe but over 10,000 bird die each year just from smashing into windows. The reason for this is because males become very territorial during mating season and when seeing their own reflection they think its another male and attack. But it just doesnt go as they'd hope it would. I guess the Windex commercials are pretty accurate.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Interesting Facts Scavenger Hunt

Considering the fact that Mrs. James thinks that she can try to trick everyone with the scanvanger hunt, this post is meant to prove that I do pay attention to details and will ace this thing.

1. Brandon Huddleston

2. EJ Tharp

3. Anthony Gilliand

4. Kelly Marsh

5. Aubrey Buckley

6. Tenaea Brown

7. Savanah Wilkins

8. Gavin Smith

9. Ed Howerton

10. Hailey Walker

11. Cody Brake

Blank Confession

Present Reading
The book that I'm currently reading is about a boy that walks into a police station to confess something that he had done. But before he tells us directly what happens he tells all the details from the days before to lead up to that moment of shocking truth. He tells every little thing precisely as it happened as if it just happened seconds before. I haven't gotten too far in depth of the book but from what I have read you can get a pretty good grasp on what is supposed to come; don't worry, I'm not going to spoil it for you but I will do you the favor of continuing to wonder.
What stood out to me was that Shayne just moving into town and him and Mikey already have become best friends. They do everything together. Without Shayne being there Mikey would continue to be the person that he was before, scared. With them finding each other, Mikey is learning that he shouldn't have to continue to be belittled and labeled as a nobody.
Some important lines from my reading is when Mikey's point of view was being told. "Apparently, although he had unfriended Marie, he still cared what happened to her. Even then, in the midst of my feeling sorry for myself and resentful and angry and all the other negative crap that goes on along with being told to get lost, I understood what Shayne thought he was doing. He thought he was protecting us." The reason why this part of the text stood out to me was because of the truth in the words. People will sacrifice friendships just to protect each other from all the bad things that can go wrong or even just to protect each other. Of course you're going to miss them being around but its better to keep them from harms way than to probably have something affect them for the rest of their lives.
The picture below explains it all; there's a detective, Rawls, thats listening to everything the young man, Shayne, is telling him about what he did. It's just them two and no one else. One being questioned while another is answering and pleading his case. They both have a certain understanding of each other even though they recently met; both have had the same problems with certain individuals which involved them getting in trouble or leading their lives in different directions than which they wanted it to.

Past Reading
Another thing that I have read this year is "The Ring". Personally I really loved the book and I rarely put it down. I could relate so much to it, considering the fact that I am a more physical girl participating in sports. It could put a label on me as a "dyke" but you know what I don't really care, I love the sports that I play regardless of what negativity may come with it.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Little Did You Know...About The Writer Edgar Allan Poe

Little Did You Know...About The Writer Edgar Allan Poe

  • Edgar Allan Poe was orphaned at the young age of two
  • By the time he was a teenager he already understood the complex works of Latin
  • Even though he wasn't the strongest or even the biggest of people, he did take up for those searching for help
  • Deeply connected with Baltimore
  • One of America's many fine writers
  • Only lived to be 40 years old.
  • Inventor of the detective story
  • Father of the modern American short story
  • Poor writer; only got $14 for his book the Raven

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Masque of the Red Death

The Masque of the Red Death

Prince Prospero's reason for having a party while everyone else is trying to fight for their life may be because he felt as if since he was already wealthy, he could possibly buy medication for the sickness. He felt like he wouldn't be as vulernable as all the poor people living among him. Or he just wanted to have one last good night before the sickness caught up to him; you never know when death is coming for you so you always want to live your days to the fullest.

People might like reading stories that will scare them or maybe even catch them off guard because the adrenaline and thrill that it brings. Me personally, I like watching scary movies because it makes me feel like I can conquer my fears or maybe even just being able to let out a few screams. It could also be a way for people to live another life as in, imagining that they're in that position and plan out what they would do; a time for escaping the real world and making up your own.

Monday, October 22, 2012

10 facts about me

1. My life pretty much revolves around sports.
2. I have six other siblings (2 brothers and 4 sisters).
3. My dream is to go to Tennessee for college.
4. I wear a size 11 shoe.
5. Making people laugh is what I do best.
6. I'm a dog person more than anything; but I do want a piranha.
7. I would consider myself a more optimistic person than anything.
8. I relate more to guys than I do girls.
9. I want to become either a personal trainer or a physical therapist for my career.
10. I like to workout; feeling the sweat on my body makes me feel like I accomplished something and getting better.